Intel laboratórium a Budapesti Műszaki Főiskolán
2000. november 10. 22:17
2000. november 10. 22:17
2000. november 10. 00:06
Oh, my dear readers, there are no words to express how that meal - the glutinous texture of which reminded me of some bottled mountain lizard - I had the ill fortune to taste in a picturesquely half-timbered country inn in a distant region lay heavy on my stomach. But no sooner had I recovered from this misery than - as a compensation for my sufferings - my Editor in Chief granted me a commission I had been looking forward to for ages. This time I had to visit a really distinguished posh restaurant: The NVIDIA! I knew it quite well from the enthusiastic reports of my colleagues that this place has some real specialties. Needless to say, I was especially interested in the latest tidbit offered by the restaurant: the GeForce2 Ultra á la NVIDIA. So I have determined beforehand that I am going to choose from the menu a GeForce2 MX as an hors-d oeuvre, then a bit of GeForce2 GTS, and to crown all this with the GeForce2 Ultra dessert.2000. november 9. 23:56
2000. november 9. 19:07
2000. november 9. 19:07
2000. november 9. 15:17
2000. november 8. 22:48
2000. november 8. 19:29
2000. november 7. 13:04
2000. november 7. 09:01
A Matrox új drivereket adott ki a G-kategóriás kártyáihoz.2000. november 6. 21:43
2000. november 6. 16:21
2000. november 6. 12:03
A mai menü, kedves olvasó, nem más, mint az NVIDIA jelenlegi zászlóshajója: az NVIDIA GeForce2 Ultra 64 MB. Az NVIDIA konyha krémjét desszertként fogyasztottuk el, megkoronázva ezzel a GeForce2 MX előételből valamint a GeForce2 GTS-ből álló fenséges lakománkat. Mindenkinek jó étvágyat kívánok!2000. november 5. 23:25
2000. október 31. 23:04