
Szerző: Ady Krisztián

2000. október 17. 20:23

Az UT 433 patch újdonságai, hibajavításai

[PlanetUnreal] Az Epic Games tovább folytatja az UT finomítását, a bugok írtását. A PlanetUnreal-on megjelent egy lista a következő patch frissítéseivel:

- fixed joystick button handling code (thanks Chris Carollo).
- hack fix for bad playerstart in CTF-Coret.
- fixed crash for servers with more than 255 characters worth of server packages.
- Server now report to clients whether or not they are password protected.
- In the editor, the "TextureLock" option should work 100% now.
- Fixed the editor crash that some people were getting when docking a browser and getting a crash when trying to restart the editor.
- Rewrote "UEditorEngine::polySelectMatchingBrush" because SHIFT+B was crashing at random times in the editor. Should be stable now.
- Brush clipping was merging faces on the resulting brush in the editor.
- May have fixed the random "WinMain/message pump" crash in the editor.

A 433-as patch belső tesztelése folyik jelenleg, a fenti lista ennek megfelelően még változhat.
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